Thursday, July 12, 2012

Adding Rebar to the Auxiliary Dome

Why is it that progress on a new house does not seem to proceed linearly? Things seem to be happening by leaps and bounds now, while just last week they seemed to stagnate.

Today they finished the foam and started adding the rebar to the third dome on our land. They hope to finish the rebar tomorrow and then let the electrical and plumbing come in next week and get all that finished, along with the necessary inspections. Then toward the end of the week they can work on the final concrete. That means that they might be finished with all the dome work by the 24th or 25th! Certainly by the end of the month.

The leveling of the slab is also continuing apace. There are a few more patches that have been cut out. I am personally hopeful that they will finish cutting on the slab tomorrow and then start patching it back. I think that they will bring in a slab grinder once all the dust settles and by the middle of next week we'll have a level slab and the contractor can begin working on the inside and hanging the windows and doors to make the place weathered in.

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